Improving the uptake of Climate change Adaptation in the decision making processes of Road aUthoritieS
Be Inspired
For a majority of European National Road Authorities, incorporating climate change and resilience concepts in decision making is a balancing act between ambitions, the newest approaches and technologies vs pragmatic and proven practices, information needs vs data availability, expected service levels and investments.
How do you build and implement the business case for resilience via adaptation, balancing the service levels that the road network needs to achieve with the costs and benefits for enhancing resilience?
The ICARUS project seeks to answer this – we believe that a better understanding and assessment of the balance between service levels, cost and benefits of measures is key for implementation of climate change resilience.
This project is a CEDR project funded through the Call 2021 Climate Change Resilience funded by Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Our Team
The ICARUS Team brings together a combination of expertise and experience in the innovations in climate resilience for road infrastructure.
Our Community
Discover the people and organisations already invested in climate change adaption and become part of our growing community of change leaders.
The Project
Climate Change Resilience
Explore our project resources which will be updated regularly throughout the ICARUS project.
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Case Studies
View our case studies which highlight resilience assessments and evaluations and adaptation solutions that demonstrate practical applications to identified and potential risks.
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Funding Partner
The CEDR Transnational Research Programme (TRP) operates through a series of annual transnational calls on topics that address the needs of European road authorities.
The Aim of the Climate Change Resilience programme to undertake research on integrating climate change into decision-making processes and implementing existing research into practice.

Call 2021 climate change resilience
The results will help to avoid and minimize the disruptive impacts of increasingly extreme weather events on the existing road infrastructure.
CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads)
CEDR is an organisation of European national road administrations promoting excellence in the management of roads.
The CEDR Strategy comprises the Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals.
More about road resilience and climate change
Impacts and operational Risk
Compilation and study of the pathways of impact of climate change on the road and the transport system
Effective adaptation
Adaptation and resilience measures to achieve minimum viable service levels
Resource and training
Case studies, training provisions and online resources to support successful implementation of adaptions in NRA across Europe