Maple Consulting was established in 2016 to provide research, innovation and consultancy services to the transport infrastructure and environmental sector.
Both individually and in conjunction with its ITEN associate network, Maple has been active on innovation projects for CEDR, PIARC, FEHRL in Europe and for public and private clients in the UK.
Key Persons
Martin Lamb
Martin Lamb is a chartered waste and resources manager and chartered environmentalist, with a track record of project and programme management on European initiatives, including resilience studies and dissemination of results.
Annie Browne
Annie Browne is an associate at Maple Consulting with skills in digital marketing, developing online customer journeys and building online resource facilities relevant to the identified needs of specific audiences.
Project References
World Road Association (2019) Positive Energy Roads: A PIARC Special Project (Authors: Lamb M, Ramdas V, Viner H)
CEDR (2018) STAPLE Project, Catalogue of Connected and Automated Vehicle Test Sites, D2.1 (Authors: Erdelean, I, Hedhli, A, Lamb, M, Strand, N, Zofka, E)
FEHRL (2017) Forever Open Road Resilient Roadmap (2nd edition) (Authors: Lamb, M)
FEHRL (2017) Strategic European Road and cross-modal Research and implementation Plan 2017 – 2020 (SERRP) (Authors: Lamb M, Goger T)
CEDR (2017) Contractor Report 2017-05 – Findings of an investigation into issues around the implementation and use of the CPR by NRAs. (Author: Lamb, M).
FEHRL (2012) Report on Scanning Tour to USA on Climate Change Adaptation (Author: Lamb, M)